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Old 12-26-2021, 09:50 PM
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RolloTomasi RolloTomasi is offline
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Originally Posted by King Glorious View Post
Of course things like consistency, longevity, and competition matter when evaluating which horses have the better careers or seasons. Essential Quality and Hot Rod Charlie both had better seasons than Life is Good and especially better than Flightline. However, I don't think either of those horses are in the same zip code as Life is Good and Flightline when it comes to actual talent.
You seem to always equate talent with front-running speed. Furthermore, such horses aren't even required to show they can carry that speed a distance of ground.

I suppose Old Trieste was more talented than Real Quiet, Coronado's Quest, and Victory Gallop just like King Glorious was more talented than Easy Goer, Sunday Silence, and Prized.

But one of my favorite things about this sport is that you never know when the next great one is going to come along and part of the fun is in the evaluating, projecting, predicting, and yes, hoping that you're going to see something special.
And yet you're fine with such horses never actually having to validate those projections on the racetrack?

No, we can't agree that Flightline SHOULD run in the Triple Bend or Carter. Why should he? he can prove he's the next (or the latest, as it were) "great one"?

At any rate, the trainer mentioned stretching the horse out next time so I suppose he might be thinking about the San Pasqual or Razorback.

I just don't see where being pessimistic about him is any fun.
Being realistic is not necessarily being pessimistic. Having missed nearly the entirety of his 2yo and 3yo years, this horse's racing career has already passed him by.

Comparisons to Precisionist and Spectacular Bid are impossible unless the horse is so great that in addition to being a stalwart in short-field sprints in CA he is also able to invent a time machine that will allow him to compete successfully in 2020 juvenile races and this year's Triple Crown.

I'm sure even what little we will see of him as a 4yo (if there is any to see) will soon be predicated on the contingencies and stipulations of whichever overnight stud deal happens to win the rabid bidding war that started at about 7:05pm EST in Lexington, KY this evening...
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