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Old 05-26-2022, 03:07 AM
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jms62 jms62 is offline
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Originally Posted by freddymo View Post
In NJ you have to purchase a firearms license. You have to go to the police station, you have to fill out a comprehensive series of documents, you have to get your fingers prints, you have to send a mental health survey to 3 NON-family members that certify your being, at which time after all the documents are received in good standing, the police chief in the jurisdiction evaluates the applications and certify's that you are eligible to own a firearm. Now after you have that card which documents who you are where you live etc. you can go to a dealer and purchase a long gun, not to be confused with a pistol...Pistols are a WAY different process. If you want a handgun you have to apply separately and only 3 permits are issued per request(for 90 days). Now if you want an "assault rifle" the definition of which I have no FN clue FYI do you really think a criminal gives a rat's ass about the laws? My handguns (I have several) can not have more than 10 rounds, do you really think a criminal gives a rat's ass about how many rounds are in his gun? I am going to stick up or carjack Jay but I better only have 10 rds in my Glock? lol

Evil sick demented people kill their grandmother and slaughter children...It's not the gun, or knife or ovens they gas you in it's just sick people... Our government drones people to death sometimes they kill the "bad" guy sometimes they kill the bad guy and a couple of innocent people that happen to be in the way. It is all demented
Or you can go to a Gun Show in PA and buy from a Private seller.
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