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Old 05-26-2022, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by freddymo View Post
I am hardly a conservative. While GOP is not the answer to all problems, we know Liberals are the cause of most situations. I voted for democrats my whole adult life. I voted for Clinton, Obama (twice), etc.

Masks are a complete lie. I speak with doc's everyday 85% of them laugh at the "science" There is none. It's about control. Fear is the coin of the realm for liberals.

The left, the far left, is imploding. It eats its own, and nobody is safe.

I have been raised in a family that has always supported a women's right to choose. Safe and rare, not as a means of birth control not past the first trimester save when the women's life is at risk.

4x African American abortions to white women aren't OK...

And yes, you cant elect to take away any god-given rights and call it America.
"God Given rights"
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