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Old 05-26-2022, 09:26 AM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 10,292


Don’t say you’re not a conservative and then give me every single Tucker Carlson talking point.

First, spare me your bulls.hit about what 85% of doctors say. The point was…conservative men are hyper sensitive about abortion but can’t bother to be inconvenienced to wear a mask if it meant possibly saving some lives.

It’s just like your stance on guns. You’re basically saying thoughts and prayers. You don’t want to be inconvenienced at all, even if it means saving lives.

It’s cool. I know you’re a good guy. But if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

We have a gun problem in this country. We have a mental health problem in this country. Anyone who has read the Secret Oath thread can attest to that.

Until as a country we care more about fixing those two problems and less about our “god given rights” we will continue to have parents burying their children. We will continue to have supermarkets shot up. We will continue to have churches shot up.

Thoughts and prayers haven’t worked. Time to try something else.
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