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Old 05-26-2022, 10:09 AM
Merlinsky Merlinsky is offline
Santa Anita
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,049

No, Freddy. *Human beings* kill their grandmother (although this shooter's grandmother is still alive) and slaughter children. Not monsters. People. People we work and go to school with. It's a cop-out to act like he's an other because 1) it dodges the point that this is a bigger problem and 2) it makes it easy to act like it's done and not anything we need to take responsibility for societally in preventing. Dehumanizing the shooter just makes it all the more likely to happen again. People can do great things and terrible things. We're not a trope, we're have choices and need to take ownership.

We CAN do something about things like this and fighting for your country doesn't only involve people in the military. Fighting for what this country stands for involves laws and words, not guns, contrary to popular conservative belief. 80% of these mass shooters have domestic violence in their backgrounds, often killing a female family member right before they go on a rampage. Anybody gonna take a stand to protect women or--- just kidding, of course they're not. They're too busy trying to throw women in jail for miscarriages. People have a right to own guns? Well I think parents have a right for their children to come home alive. Gonna protect that one?

As for criminals not carrying about laws, if the laws didn't matter we wouldn't have'em in the first place meaning murder would be legal which is just dumb and you know it. Also, the guns coming into Chicago wouldn't be from states like Texas, Indiana, Mississippi, etc if gun regulation didn't work--they gotta get em from places that are lax so maybe don't be? Weird how even if drugs are a problem in this country we still somehow are able to clamp down on a lot of medications to the point that even folks with prescriptions are getting treated like drug addicts. We manage when we want to. We have a bunch of laws in place and we're not not passing them because a criminal isn't gonna consult the statutes. One person put together a sloppy shoe bomb and from then on we gotta take our shoes off forever more to get on a plane, and cars require a ton of stuff like insurance and a driver's license, but a bunch of common sense things like licensing for a gun are a step too far? A bunch of shootings should lead to change and nothing wrong with regulation.

Spoiler alert, Freddy, if the gov't wanted to take you out they could do it. No gun in anybody's pocket is gonna protect them. The only people threatening anybody's sense of safety or rights right now are the people storming the Capitol or controlling a woman's body or telling trans people they don't get to be who they are or saying we can't talk about racism or being gay. Lotta overlap with the 'need m'guns' crowd. They're not the victims, they're the aggressors.

A gun isn't about protecting yourself, it's about power and control. It's the same reason anybody gets upset if their position in a racial/wealth hierarchy is under threat. That's the only reason to explain the rage.
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