1/7: Aqueduct ($29k P6 C/O)
3rd:CLM, F&M-4+, 7f (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #1 Darn That Song 3-1 3rd
Next Best: #5 Captivating Cara 5-1 -
Best Value: #3 Towering Gaze 6-1 -
Exotics Use: #4 Suspended Campaign 7-5 2nd
4th: NY-MSW, 3yo, 6.5f (P6, P3, DD)
$29k P6 C/O starts here..
Most Likely: #2 Profitability 5-2 -
Best Value: #6 Vitalize 5-1 -
Next Best: #1 Crimson Light 8-5 WON ($4.20)
Exotics Use: #3 Uptomykneesinit 6-1 4th
5th: NY-ALW/N1X, F&M-4+, 1m (P5, G/S, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #1 (POE) Kara Para 9-5 2nd
Next Best: #2 Starry Midnight 5-2 -
Best Value: #6 Racing Colors 8-1 3rd
Exotics Use: #5 Bon Adieu 2-1 WON ($4.50)
6th: MSW, 4+, 6f (P4, P3, DD)
Most Likely: #1 Play 9-2 -
Best Value: #2 Login Required 6-1 4th
Next Best: #4 Le Bar 5-2 -
Exotics Use: #8 War Stride 7-2 -
P4 Grid:
3: 1-3-5 (A), 4-7 (B), - (C)
4: 2-6 (A), 1-3 (B), - (C)
5: 1 (A), - (B), - (C)
6: 1-2-3 (A), - (B), - (C)
Simple (A+B): 5x4x1x3 = $60 ($30 for .50)
All A's: 3x2x1x3 = $18 ($9 for .50)
7th: S/ALW, 4+, 6.5f (P3, DD)
Most Likely: #1a Saffa's Day 5-2 2nd
Best Value: #2 Dot's Dollar 9-2 3rd
Next Best: #6 Printrack 7-2 WON ($7.50)
Exotics Use: #5 Bring Me a Check 2-1 -
8th: OC/N2X, 4+, 9f (DD)
Most Likely: #5 Olympic Dreams 9-5 WON ($5.50)
Next Best: #1 I Am the Law 7-2 -
Best Value: #7 Midnight Trouble 10-1 -
Exotics Use: #6 Luigi's Spirit 8-1 4th
9th: NY-MCLM/$30k, F&M-4+, 6f
Most Likely: #8 Dream On Cara 7-2 3rd
Next Best: #9 Practical Miss 4-1 2nd
Best Value: #5 Frannie Lew 9-2 WON ($19.60)
Exotics Use: #6 Army of Thoughts 9-2 -
P6 Grid:
4: 1-2-3 (A), 5 (B), - (C)
5: 1 (A), - (B), - (C)
6: 1-2 (A), - (B), - (C)
7: 1-2-6 (A), - (B), - (C)
8: 1-5 (A), 6-7 (B), - (C)
9: 8 (A), - (B), 9 (C)
Simple (A+B): 4x1x2x3x4x1 = $96
All A's: 3x1x2x3x2x1 = $36
Backup: 3x1x2x3x2x1 = $36 (9 in 9th)
P5 Grid:
5: 1-3 (A), - (B), 2 (C)
6: 1-2 (A), - (B), - (C)
7: 1-2-6 (A), - (B), - (C)
8: 1-5 (A), 6-7 (B), - (C)
9: 8-9 (A), - (B), - (C)
Simple (A+B): 2x2x3x4x2 = 96 x .50 = $48
All A's: 2x2x3x2x1 = 24 x .50 = $12
Backup: 1x2x3x2x2 = 24 x .50 = $36 (2 in 5th)
P4 Grid:
6: 1-2 (A), - (B), - (C)
7: 1-2-6 (A), - (B), - (C)
8: 1-5-6-7 (A), - (B), - (C)
9: 8-9 (A), - (B), - (C)
All A's: 2x3x4x2 = $48 ($24 for .50)
Good luck!
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans
Last edited by Kasept : 01-07-2024 at 03:34 PM.