Originally Posted by cal828
Happy New Year Don. Good to see you back and New Jersey Stinks too. Our player numbers were definitely dwindling around here.
On another subject, I think that Race 7 was the best race I never saw. Was I the only one or did we all lose the internet just as the race was going off? Made me mad enough to spit nails when that happens and nothing I did to get it back worked and even after I got the internet back, I couldn't get the replay to work.

Thanks, too bad about your internet. You must be getting blasted with this Arctic deep freeze crossig the country and Texas. Dog walking will be wicked the net several days for me and the pups. Out and In as fast as we can go. We're not clear y et, healthwise but I thought it would be good for me to try and normaile my life and activities as much as possible,we'll see how it goes?!