Originally Posted by dellinger63
well I'd love to see Gore riding a bike, planting a tree, etc etc. He doesn't but wants you and I to do so. Remember his quote on Oprah that he and his family once tried to re-plant his Christmas tree but it didn't work. So not only does he use the electricity an avg family uses in a year in the space of 30 days but he is also a complete moron to think a harvested Christmas tree can be replanted. I'm not arguing global warming as it exists and has to be stopped but Al Gore either has to shut his mouth or buck up and make some personal sacrifices.
Then, dellinger (all politics aside, how the heck are you, by the way?

), click on some of the links within the article DTS posted and read Gore's responses. He's trying-- he takes commercial flights when possible. You know he could fly on private planes the rest of his life, but he's not. He drives a hybrid. He's BUYING THE CARBON OFFSETS. If spending your discretionary income to get more trees planted isn't bucking up, then what is? Sure, he's got lots of money, but he's spending some of it to reduce his carbon footprint. What kind of sacrifice to you expect him to make? Killing two of his children so his family uses fewer resources? No, he's not out planting the trees himself, but someone is getting paid to do so with his carbon offsets- so trees get planted AND someone gets a job.
He is bucking up, for the love of Pete, and he's being vocal about it so hopefully some of us will buck up a bit, too. Because one man doing a lot is worth nothing compared to a lot of people doing a little.
Wash laundry in cold water
Line dry your clothes
Pack your lunch (uses fewer disposable containers than buying it every day)
Recycle your printer cartridges
Buy Energy Saver appliances.