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Old 02-28-2007, 12:27 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,549

So Gore gave a Powerpoint presentation, has it filmed and wins and oscar, and that's enough to prove that he cares and is doing such great things. To me he is the same as most people, they care but don't do so much about the issue because there is not much they can do. Its just that he is being praised like he was some big inspiration when he hasn't even taken easy steps he could be doing to reduce his "environmental footprint". The purchasing of credits to offset the huge waste that goes on at his house does not impress. Oh yeah, he changed his bulbs to flourescent, I guess we should notify the Nobel Prize for Humanity people because surely he is in line for something like that after having changed his bulbs.

Of course this is all after he sat in on some hearings when he was in government and as a result ended up inventing the internet.

To me he epitomizes what I would call the phony do-gooders. The real heroes and leaders don't thrust themselves so willingly into the limelight and in front of every camera. Usually its up to other people, real documentarians, to discover these true heroes and tell their stories because they are too busy or not interested in receiving all the praise and accolades.
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