Thread: russia
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Old 06-07-2007, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
You pose an interesting thought. Yes, Israel is the one that feels threatened,
and, yes, they have no interest in seeking resolution with the Palastinians nor their proxies in Lebanon.
So, how about this...put the anti missile system in Israel rather than in the Chec Republic? Afterall, if Iran is really the "worry", though they have about ten years to develop a missile delivery system, and at least seven to develop a nuclear capability, it allows plenty of time for the installation to take place.
What do you really think is behing Bush's "saber rattling" at this point in time?
He only has, what 17 months to come up with a legacy, and it needs to distract from Iraq as much as Paris Hilton does. Right?
Iran already has a missle delivery system in place. Its not in Iran. And Israel has budding missle defense system. But it does not work well because there is not enough time to get some of these missles that are fired closely. The worry is other Countries like Azerbaijan, will go militant also. Lots of ex Soviet south east states are having this problem. This is why we gave Russia so much latitude with their little terrorist problem. Remember Chechnya. These runaway Islamic extremist countries scare them also.

Luckily the missles fired out of Gaza consistently every day now, are not terribly destructive. They just make half of a town of 23,000 civilians leave in Israel. (Imagine if Mexico tried this with our border) The bigger fear is the future of longer range missles. And missle defense systems must be out ahead... and thats very difficult. Given the tricks that can be played. It is much easier to deliver than hit a missle out of the sky. Ever wonder why Iran does not look into missle defense. Its hard. And to be a major player all you need is nukes and delivery. This is where they want to be. They want to be able to keep the "to hell with it card, we will hit you first, it does not matter what happens after that. Go ahead, destroy us, we can still make the world a mess."

I think its fairly apparent we dont want to play that game.
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