Originally Posted by pgardn
There is no entity to negotiate with DTS. Israel will not negotiate with Hamas, they have vowed to destroy Israel. Yassir Arafat ruined whatever chance there was way back. Still have not found all the money he stole from the Palestinian people.
Lebanon cannot even negotiate with the Palestinians in camps in their own country. Jordan does not want any Palestinians in their country. No Arab country wants anything to do with them except to harass Israel. They have been screwed by multiple factions and Israel is always to blame.
BTW. Nice to have you back.
I'm just going way back to the Camp David accord. At this point, all the wall building and the bombing of refugee camps isn't helping to resolve a very complicated and dangerous situation.
And, thanks for the welcome back. I've tried not to post so much "political stuff" as I know this is a horse racing board and some of my views upset others. So, I tried to "cool it" for a while, and the training one of my 2yo fillies is taking some time, but she should be good.