Thread: russia
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Old 06-08-2007, 04:36 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
Hialeah Park
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Originally Posted by pgardn
Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza strip.

They leave the labels on the things so its pretty darn obvious. Oh yes, these are the ones that have been fired. Not the ones transported and not fired. You dont remember Lebanon DTS? You dont remember the Iranian made rockets fired across the border?

Well you will remember, again... Its going to happen again as the Lebanese government is losing control.
Thanks Pgardn,
Yes, I remember.
Katushas (sp) are hardly capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, no?
And yes, Iran supplies ied's and other nasty armaments to sympathetic constituancies in Iraq. Russia is not a factor, hence, Putin's "calling the bluff".
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