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Old 06-11-2007, 12:20 PM
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philcski philcski is offline
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Originally Posted by Cardus
I'd love to read why Preakness Day is your favorite day for sheer enjoyment.

I've been there nine times -- including the last seven years -- so I am familiar with the atmosphere, race viewing, and track amenities.

Taking those factors into account, the Belmont Stakes Day is a few rungs higher for me.
I don't know why. Obviously Belmont Park is my home track, and I love it, but part of it is the fact that Baltimore REALLY embraces the Preakness. They consider it their big event, like Louisville and the Derby. There were more people at the f*ckin Yankee game watching some shitty 28-31 team than Belmont Park, and NYC (the "epicenter of racing" in this country) is 8 times the size of Baltimore. That's truly pathetic.
please use generalizations and non-truths when arguing your side, thank you
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