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Old 06-11-2007, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
According to the story and other sources, the appeal has been filed and he remains in prison. Keep in mind there were two girls at the party who were videotaped, a 17 yo who had intercourse with several of the boys (unsure whether with Mr Wilson) and the 15yo who willingly had oral sex with Mr Wilson and several others in a row...the 15yo was not drunk, said afterwards that she enjoyed the act and her mother said she was free to have sex with anyone she wanted. Under Ga law at the time, oral sex resulted in a felony charge while intercourse did not (?????). This boy had a 3.2 GPA, was a football and track star, homecoming king, and by all reports a great kid...he attends a New Year's Eve party has a few drinks and some smoke perhaps and accepts an invitation from a sexually active and willing girl to get a blow job and he gets 10 years in prison???? This is why I raise my voice when I see justice raped and turned to "setting an example". The jury in this case felt they had no choice under the law but why on earth was this case prsecuted in the first place?
Well I hope that the AG loses the appeal. This case is so disturbing. Is there a chance of bond?
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