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Old 06-11-2007, 04:17 PM
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somerfrost somerfrost is offline
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
Not mine. Yours? More importantly, my son at 17 would never have done that. 15 year old girls, nearly universally, are not capable of consent.
Well, I did those things at 16, my former brother-in-law was arrested in Florida at 17 for having sex with a girl on stage during a ZZ Top concert...not sure if those things are more meaningful than your son's purity...I suspect neither enter into this argument. I think you are wrong about 15 year old girls...many kids have sex much younger, this boy admits having sex at 13...should the girl have gone to jail for ten years if she happened to be 16? Laws to protect children from sexual preditors are absolutely necessary but the guy who drafted the original law (since repealed by the way) said it was never his intent to persecute teens.
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