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Old 06-11-2007, 05:39 PM
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Arlington Park
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Well, I think you're pretty naive so we disagree. What I said was that there is no hard fast rule that a particular 17 year old boy is necessarily more mature than a particular 15 yo girl...both are kids. It's interesting to me how people like to challenge me and when I answer a question and pose one in return they duck rather than answer. Again...the girl is now 17, according to your view (the boy at 17 was mature enough to be held responsible), why isn't she now mature enough to make sexual decisions? She continues to say she intiated it, she was experienced previously, and she enjoyed it and doesn't feel the slightest bit like a victim, why is she wrong and you right? Do you know more about her, her emotions, wants, needs and desires than she does?
What question did you ask me? I'll be more than happy to answer.
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