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Old 06-11-2007, 05:44 PM
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somerfrost somerfrost is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig
isn't it a general rule that girls mature faster than boys? so she's fifteen, but possibly on par with a 17 year old boy....

also, she's immature--yet most states would allow her to make the oh so adult decision to have an abortion--if she killed someone, you can bet your sweet patootie they'd fight tooth and nail to have her charged as an adult. how convenient that the law can decide adulthood when they wish!

the fact is tho, regardless of what awful things occurred in that room, that he was sentenced to ten years due to having oral sex. not sex--the others who had intercourse with her were not charged. i think it's a travesty, and i hope he is released asap.

btw, i didn't do that crap at that age either.

Yep, honestly though there is no way of knowing which was more mature but the issue is that they were both kids...even the state congressman who drafted the law said he never intended it to be used against kids...and, largely due to this case, the law was changed! This is a case where a law designed to protect kids from sexual predators was used to ensnare a poor kid who is guilty of poor judgement...god, if that was a crime we'd all be doing life!
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