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Old 06-11-2007, 06:14 PM
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somerfrost somerfrost is offline
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
You flatter yourself with your bullsh1t about "people avoid me, etc... when I ask a question."

If you had a 17 year old son and lived in a state where it is illegal for a 17 year old male to have sex with a 15 year old female and your son got his knob polished in front of a bunch of other people while being taped, would you be shocked if he got prosecuted? Personally I would not. If you think that's not something to be prosecuted, that's fine with me. I don't care.

I could care less about convincing you or anyone here about a point of view. Just expressing one.

As far as your asinine "Can't you read?" comment, it's, well, just asinine.
You're the one who asked "what question" after I asked it twice in plain english...I understand it's just your way of avoiding the question, I'm not flattering myself...don't have to! it's simple really...I asked twice and your response..."what question". Well, I'm still waiting for a response but I realize that you'll probably just trot out more mush. Would I be surprised if he got prosecuted...I'd be way beyond surprised if he got ten years with no parole! Do I personally think it should be a crime for two kids to have consentual sex? No, I don't think prosecuting them is the answer. Now if the boy was 17 and the girl 5 then you have a different story of course, but an experienced 15 yo giving consensual head to a 17 yo should not be a crime imo. In order to have a crime, you need a victim...the girl says absolutely she's not a victim so who is?
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