Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Since Thompson has already served as a Republican Senator (he was a Senator, right? Not a Representative?) I would think people would disregard the Hollywood stigma. I would think he would have more trouble overcoming the reputation that when he was a Senator he didn't do much of anything.
California was once staunchly Republican, as I'm sure you know. It went for the Republican candidate in 9 of the 10 elections between 1952 and 1988. The shift to the Dems didn't really hit until 1992. Reagan's success there wasn't unusual.
And if anything, I think working in Hollywood is helpful to a candidate- look at Gopher, Clint, Sonny Bono, Ah-nuld, etc. Name recognition is name recognition. I don't buy people turning away from someone because he's a TV or movie star- I think they're more likely to be star-struck and vote for the person. Not to mention the candidate comes with charisma and is camera-savvy.
I hope Fred Thompson doesn't run because I would feel for all the actors who get residuals from "L&O" reruns. It's likely the episodes he's in would all be pulled because it could be considered free advertising for Thompson!
Your right on this one. Maybe you just have to make the right friends deep in the party. I don't see the great injustice done to Libby from what I have read. And I dont particularly trust madam CIA either.