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Old 06-26-2007, 03:33 PM
FlBred FlBred is offline
Sunshine Park
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 88

Originally Posted by somerfrost
I also agree that we need to find answers, but blaming folks never solved the end, if the stories are true and he killed his wife, son and self, then he and he alone is responsible. To say it's McMahon's fault etc is useless...why didn't others see the signs? Well, how about those postal workers who suddenly snapped or the kid at Virginia Tech? After the tragic event, using 20-20 hindsight, there are always "signs" to point at but the simple fact is that human beings are complex and most folks have a hard enough time keeping their lives together let alone seeing signs of trouble in others. The best way to proceed is to forget about pointing fingers and seek the answers where ever they might be!

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