All very good stuff everyone has said. Just remember one think its ok to pass on a race and get ready for some value in another race. I never used to bet Daily Doubles... (thinking... HEY I have to pick TWO winners in a row) but I have found betting Daily Doubles can be very money making... Usually one of the bets is a fav. and if you find a nice 8-1 in the other race you can cash a nice ticket. Most people hammer both favs. in both races and want a $12.00 DD...[go figure]
Another thing to remember Years ago when Atlantic City had a FULL meet, I used to drive down from philly and the guy I would go with & before leaving the car He would put a Dollar Bill in the ashtray... Yes I had to ask.. ""why you doing that "".. and his answer was ...."" So we have the (dollar) toll for the way home on the expressway.."" .. See you allways have to think about the way HOME from the track..... L O L !!
Ole' Timer says to another leaving Keystone Race Track (Philly )
...""Its a good thing I broke even today, I really
needed the money """!!!!
Gotta Love Horse Racing !!