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Old 12-01-2007, 06:00 AM
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golfer golfer is offline
The Curragh
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
"'Don't get me wrong - I like Ron Paul. Who doesn't, other than the owners of our Zionist State Factories, the military-industry complex? If he became president, their trillion dollar death machine would collapse like WTC-7. Those who planned the 9/11 massacre don't want him. The owners of the Federal Reserve Corporation don't like him, of course. But I repeat myself"

awesome link.

proves beyond a doubt the jews are responsible.

for something.


bubonic plague?

the fact i'm posting late on a friday night instead of getting laid?

whatever bro. i'm onboard.

ron paul recommends this link.
The point of this extremely long article is as the title indicates, what Patrick Henry thought about the US Constitution. Ron Paul believes that this document is path to salvation, so to speak. The author is trying to show that Patrick Henry didn't.
That you chose to focus on 4 sentences in the 3rd paragraph is your business. That YOU choose to think the terms "zionist" and "jew" are interchangeable is your business. I don't care if anybody gets "onboard". I only offered this article as a way of sharing information. What one does with that information is entirely up to him/her.

Last edited by golfer : 12-01-2007 at 01:24 PM.
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