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Old 02-10-2008, 10:24 AM
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hoovesupsideyourhead hoovesupsideyourhead is offline
"The Kentucky Killing Machine"
Join Date: May 2006
Location: florida
Posts: 16,277
Default gulfstream park/santa anita sunday

the track condition at gs.. off/sloppy ..argg
today is the day..20 buck rolling d/d and pick 3s 10 buck ext boxes

race 1 1 mile 10k claiming

pp 8 one dreamy cat 9/5 wins 8/7 ect 7.00 x10 70.00
pp 7 highland cat ml 4-1 2nd
pp 4 good o friday ml 20-1

race 2 1 mile maiden 16k

pp 5 reatas tiger ml 5/2 wins d/d 8/5 14.00 x10 140.00
pp 1 six by right ml 4-1
pp 3 shuler lane ml 3-1

race 3 6f msw 40k

pp 5 therese ml 6-1 wins d/d 5/5 69.00x10 690.00 ext 5/6 89.40x 5 447.00 pick 3 8/5/5 223.60x10 2236.00
pp 2 tamer ml 2-1
pp 6 lady yankee ml 4-1 2nd

race 4 5f the turf

pp 4 real truth ml 8-1 3rd
pp 5 holy canyon ml 3-1 wins d/d 51.00x10 510.00 pick 3 5/5/5 95.80 x10 958.00
pp 8 guns drawn ml 6-1

race 5 .6f claiming 14k

pp 1 catessa ml 6/5 nice ride jv
pp 7 taint so ml 6-1 2nd
pp 5 crafty ship ml 4-1 3rd..

race 6 1mile off turf

pp 8 quintine ml 6-1 2nd congrats edgar prado 6000..wins
pp 5 sailors red sky ml 12-1 3rd ext 23.00 x 10 230.00
pp 7 sumphin ml 4-1 wins

race 7 1mile claiming 25k

pp 4 buchrast ml 4-1 2nd ext 2/4 17.40x5 =87.00 dd 7/2 21.80 x10 218.00
pp 2 clearpark ml 2-1 wins
pp 6 secret sultin ml 6-1

race 8 1 mile off turf

pp 11 house guest ml 4-1
pp 3 supriseinabox ml 6-1 2nd
pp 2 q queen ml 12-1 wins ext 2/3 37.40x5= 187.00 d/d 2/2 25.60x10 256.00 pick 3 7/2/2 148.60x10 =

race 9 1 mile allw 41k

pp 1 bordeaux bandit ml 2-1 2nd
pp 3 unbridled refrain ml 6-1
pp 5 pluracity ml 4-1 3rd..

race 10 1 mile on the dirt

pp 5 live music ml 15-1
pp 12 west of g ml 12-1 wins ext 12/8 31.60 x5 15.00
pp 8 smart suprise ml 6-1 .. 2nd ..

santa anita

20 buck pick 3s and rolling d/d 10ext boxes

race 1 6.5f maiden 50k

pp 9 four paws ml 8-1 2nd
pp 1/1a entry
pp 6 catch candy ml 5/2 i knew he was a trap..

race 2 1mile on the turf allw 80 o/c

pp 5 thousand words ml 5/2 wins ext 9.90x0 90.90
pp 3 caribbean ml 8-1
pp 2 nicko bay ml 2-1 2nd

race 3 6f claiming 12.5k

pp 9 champyo ml 20-1
pp 3 company secret ml 3-1
pp 4 run kitty run ml 6-1 wins 12.80 d/d 42.20x10 =422.00

race 4 the la canada 1 mile and 1/8th

pp 4 say you will ml 5-1
pp 1 dawn after dawn ml 7/2 wins ext 5.70 x5 28.50 d/d 4/1 26.80 x10 286.00 pick 3 5/4/1 58.20x20 1164.00
pp 2 caressive ml 8-1

race 5 6.5f turf down the hill

pp 10 returning ml 8-1 wins d/d 35.80x10 358.00 pick 3 4/1/10 121.40x20 2,824.00
pp 11 big mohogony ml 10-1 4th
pp 12 wild yankee ml 15-1

race 6 5.5f msw 48k

pp 4 mussad ml 15-1
pp 6 futero ml 12-1
pp 3 scibelli 5/2

race 7 6.5f turf stake 75k

pp 2 steelin ml 20-1
pp 9 foxysox ml 3-1
pp 1 rockella ml 8-1

race 8 7f the san vincente

pp 5 into mischief ml 7/5
pp 2 massive drama ml 8/5

race 9 1 mile and 1/8th on the turf allw 57k

pp 8 house of silver ml 12-1
pp 2 m mort 3-1
pp 3 mississippian ml 20-1 son of montjeu..

race 10 6f claimer 12.5k

pp 10 praying for rain ml 10-1
pp 5 ob nacki ml 5-1
pp 11 lockitup ml 6-1
pp 14 annie oakleafe ml 9/2

Last edited by hoovesupsideyourhead : 02-10-2008 at 05:15 PM.
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