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Old 04-19-2008, 06:37 PM
Scav Scav is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Northwest of The Chi
Posts: 16,012

Originally Posted by Midsouth Jeff
My wife and I are headed to Louisville in just 13 days for our 9th Derby. Are many of you also going?

I think we're looking at another Derby with a result similar to 2005 when Giacoma won. I remember watching the field gallop past in the final stretch and watching #10 in the lead. I then began asking who #10 was along with everyone around us. It was such a surprise when he won. I really think we're looking at the same thing this year unless Big Brown defies logic and history and pulls out the win on minimal experience. I ordered my Big Brown hat online and will proudly wear it and root for him on Saturday.

Jeff, 1st, welcome to the board, 2nd, I would guesstimate about 100 people from around here, both posters and lurkers being around KY on Derby week.

Good luck, and hopefully your 9th feels like the 1st...
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