Thread: Triple Crown?
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Old 05-03-2008, 11:05 PM
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Arlington Park
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Originally Posted by RolloTomasi
I think the performances of similarly inexperienced colts like Red Bullet and Bernardini are incentive enough to go for gusto.

And many a Derby also-ran came back to form at Pimlico. Pine Bluff, Hansel, Point Given, Snow Chief, Gate Dancer, Tank's Prospect, etc. etc. I would think Colonel John, who according to the chart made a middle move, and maybe Pyro, who had trouble early, would fit the bill this year.
I don't disagree, I just think a logical step would be the Peter Pan or The Barbaro with more of a preference to the latter. If all goes well he can point for a Belmont - Plate double. There are plenty of big races later in the Summer. No need to push a good horse too fast, well that is my opinion which probably doesn't mean a hill of beans to Frank. Afterall this horse just broke his Mdn in Feb.
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