Thread: AP: Sunday 6/1
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Old 06-01-2008, 08:34 AM
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Atlantic City Race Course
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Originally Posted by miraja2

Race 4
Probable favorite Dynamic Wayne certaily has the turf pedigree and has been facing better competition than these, but I just don't think he's a turf horse....or particularly talented. Others should be coming late.
2 - Wayoff
6 - The Alcova Kid
I don't know about the probable favorite and I haven't looked at his turf race, where he was shut off and bore out, per the charts. You might want to take a look at Fun With Phil, however. He was chasing, 3 wide (with 2 others) made a nice move on the turn, and was running competitively with one of the other speeds early stretch when he was pinched between the winner (closing) and that speed. He wasn't winning but he'd been competitive to the wire, as he finished decently after regrouping, and he was widest around the track. Today, he cuts back .5F, and gets the inside. Appears as if he can control the race, either going from there with position or sitting a trip. Sounds good in theory, at least. But we need a bit of a price.

Last edited by the_fat_man : 06-01-2008 at 09:00 AM.
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