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Old 06-04-2008, 06:10 PM
johnny pinwheel johnny pinwheel is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: saratoga ny
Posts: 986

Originally Posted by Nascar1966
He still has to get passed McCain.

Possible cabinet members and Vice President:

Jesse Jackson

Al Sharpton-He would be happy to be in the limelight agian

Tawana Brawley-i didn't forget about her

Lewis Farrakan

The Lady who falsely accused the Duke lacrosse team of raping her. Her and Tawana would get along great, they are both trash and liars.

The moron in Houston Quasan X.

I think im going to vote, any guess at who I am going to vote for?
get past mccain? a turnip could beat him. if you think this last moron was any good. go ahead vote for mccain. that guys worse then john kerry. i voted for immigration reform , i was all for it. well until people were against it . we will be in iraq for 100 years. no i take that back 2013, 100 years didn't poll well. tax cuts , i hate em. wait a minute , i want to be president i better kiss the parties butt. that guys either senile or flip flops more than the fish i pulled out of the lake into my boat. half the time i wonder if he knows what hes talking about without someone whispering in his ear. wait a minute they had to do that for him too. i would never join either party but anyone that votes for that crinkled up idiot is either over 65 or well ,probably loves nascar.
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