There are ways to deal with Narcissists, but you have to understand that they will be virtually unable to honestly give out compliments, or empathize with others. So, when they do appear to do these two things,then there will always be a reason they are doing it. They want something, and are acting in a way that will make it easier for them to get something they will ask for in a few days or so. It's an obvious pattern, and narcissists are exposed by time. You can't deny the obvious pattern, but you can't confront them with it, because it will only make things worse. Any type of criticism will be unproductive. It's so useless with them. They think they are above this.
By the way, this trainer going for the Triple Crown today is quite a character. I don't know that much about him, but he is odd. I do know he worked as an assistant for his father, and his father "didn't have it in his personality" to give his son credit for his talent. So, at the very least, that was a narcissistic tendency that his father had.