Originally Posted by rkinnin
Without reading the posted article, the thread title does bring up a very good question. For instance....
1/ what happened to F. Jara?
2/ I thought that Mig was coming to Saratoga and then was going to stay here? Yet I saw him riding back out in CA this weekend?
3/ what happened to C. Borel?
4/ why did Sutherland stay in Woodbine this summer?
Steve, perhaps we can start a thread entitled, "Jocks - MIA?" or "Jockey News".
1) Jara is back home in Panama
2) Migliore went to CA for a few stakes rides, is scheduled to be at Philly for the PA Derby card, and then Belmont
3) Usual summer plans (except his Spa meet) -- light schedule, vacation, etc.
4) Business, money, home . . . I don't know.