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Old 10-28-2008, 11:08 AM
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King Glorious King Glorious is offline
Atlantic City Race Course
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Originally Posted by DaHoss9698
King I know the point you are trying to make and really, I'm not looking for fight here at all. But, your second sentence is just flat out incorrect. We've been over it before, so I'm not going to rehash the whole arguement, but not everyone here is equal when it comes to opinion or their understanding of this game. In no way am I knocking you, but take a look at some of the threads around here from a few days ago. Obviously some people have a better understanding and opinion on the game just like some others do with other sports. And that's not even taking into account people here that make their living working in the industry as trainers, broadcasters, etc.

Take a look at the sports threads. Obviously someone like Coach Pants has one of the better if not best opinion here when it comes to football. You're very sharp when it comes to basketball. Do you think we're all equal when it comes to those sports?
First, I'd like to thank you for the complement about my basketball knowledge. I don't know if it's deserved but I appreciate it still. Now, perhaps saying that we are all equal or that nobody is better than anyone else was a bit too much. There are obviously some that have more insight and experience than others in all areas and that will generally put them ahead of the rest of the pack. I guess that what I was trying to say is that it doesn't matter your experience level compared to someone else's. There are still times when you will be wrong and the novice will be right. Won't happen as many times as the other way around but it will still happen sometimes. I guess I was just reacting emotionally and shouldn't have even responded to the thread but it's just that there are a few on here that really seem to think they are gifts from God Himself and treat the opinions of others as if that person was stupid or beneath them. I think that it's better to listen to the words of those that know less and teach and encourage than it is to always telling them how dumb their opinion is by constantly reminding us of your position in the business. That's all.
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