[quote=thunderdan09]Nothing against you or the selections you make daily in New York, but some of the horses that have been winning have no reasons to be bet on paper.
I have my opinion and you have yours, but I think the horse could surprise some people tomorrow. I am not saying to put it on top of your tickets just take note of what I said.
Some of your selections finish dead last and so do every other handicappers in the country.
You can criticize people's selections all you want, but if it happens to finish in the money take the heat for the comments you made.
I respect your work and I hope that one day I have the chance to do what you do everyday, but I have to start somewhere.
I don't keep tabs on New York efficiently enough to determine whether that horse has a chance or not, but if you say he doesn't, he probably doesn't.
Best of luck![/QUOTE
In case you missed this re Serling from the NYT: