Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
But Pakistan's problem ought not be the US taxpayers financial burden.
We've proved our point and wasted enough money there. It's time to get out. It's time we get out of there and prop up some pile of dung warlords to keep the Taliban busy.
Obviously we're never going to have the slightest bit of social influence over there - and we sure as hell ain't taking over the country.
who would want to?
I think this may be evidence all people are not created equal.
Many visitors to Islamic Paradises are often taken aback when they observe the horrifying hygienic condition in these countries, either in public places, or in the privacy of its Islamic citizens. For example, in Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Mauritania…and so on, people often spit anywhere they like; urinate and defecate in public places, whenever opportunity permits, oblivious to the fact that human saliva and excrement are potential carriers of deadly germs and viruses. In many Islamic Paradises, public places, such as parks, recreation centres, sports facilities etc., are often littered with obnoxious objects including human faeces. The open sewers on both sides of the road, the raw sewage‑infested railway tracks, the dirt, and litter in uncultivated or unoccupied spaces often produce revulsion to any visitors who dare to experience such horrible unhygienic conditions in many Islamic Paradises
Not only that Muhammad had poor personal hygiene habits, he also recommended many of his followers to resort to extremely dirty, unhealthy, and repulsive acts.
A fasting person often develops terrible stench in his mouth. In Islam, it is considered quite a healthy habit to possess such a bad breath when a Muslim is fasting. A hadis is Sahih Bukhari (7.72.811) states that the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better to Allah than the smell of musk. This means that a Muslim is not obliged to resort to good oral hygiene during the month of Ramadan. This also means that other people will get reward for smelling the bad odour of a fasting Muslim.
Another incredible hadis in Sunaan Abu Dawud (1.0067) states that water polluted by dead dogs, menstruating clothes and excrement of people is suitable for use for anything.
Now go enjoy breakfast!