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Old 02-22-2009, 10:58 AM
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AeWingnut AeWingnut is offline
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Default Ted Kennedy has killed more people with his car than I have with my gun

Originally Posted by Danzig
this is pulled from the article, and is an EXCELLENT point!!:

The progressive canard is that the Second Amendment, unlike the rest of the amendments to the Constitution, is not a constitutional right for citizens. Rather it is a right for a defunct organization known as the militia. Why in the world would the Founding Fathers, when laying out the rights of individuals, confound the point by sticking in among individual rights a right for a military organization?

some felt the bill of rights should not have been put in the constitution because they believed that by listing them it wouldn't recognize the rights not on the list.

The 2nd amendment is on the list and there are those that contort themselves every which way in order to see it otherwise.

I believe that the 2nd amendment is preemption -
while the individual state has the power to raise a militia it cannot fail to recognize the rights of the individual to bear arms or arm bears.

There is no limit on what arms. I imagine whatever the top of the line was. Meaning arms include guns, tanks, rocket launchers
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