Originally Posted by pgardn
It really only does in that if you do own guns,
your home becomes a more desirable target
when you are away. You are actually more likely
to get robbed. They will case your house more closely
than they would mine.
This is what I get from the cops that I know anyway.
And this is in San Antonio, Texas. Some criminals actually
hang at some of the sporting good stores to find the
people who own guns legally. They want to see that
right to carry card. Because they dont have that right.
really? i guess i better start locking my front door when i leave. btw, my guns are all locked in a fire proof gun safe. if they can get in that, they deserve them i guess.
i find it hard to believe that criminals will seek out a house with weapons, when there are so many easier targets out there. in other words, i don't quite believe that theory. nor do i see how my legal ownership contributes to the amount of crimes committed by people with guns. also, gun crimes have decreased every year for years now-other than '05, and gun ownership has gone thru the roof-both after 9/11 and after barack obama won election. and that's without more gun control legislation.