Originally Posted by Danzig
really? i guess i better start locking my front door when i leave. btw, my guns are all locked in a fire proof gun safe. if they can get in that, they deserve them i guess.
i find it hard to believe that criminals will seek out a house with weapons, when there are so many easier targets out there. in other words, i don't quite believe that theory. nor do i see how my legal ownership contributes to the amount of crimes committed by people with guns. also, gun crimes have decreased every year for years now-other than '05, and gun ownership has gone thru the roof-both after 9/11 and after barack obama won election. and that's without more gun control legislation.
Here is how it supposeldy works here.
The right to carry law is very strict. In fact it is very
backed up. A citizen with no record is gonna wait at least a year here.
If you get caught dealing,
(they follow transactions very carefully) big trouble.
I am glad
you have your guns safely stored. But... if you ever feel like you
might need them during the night where do you leave them?
Accessible hopefully. And you dont forget. And thats good
because many people get lazy and leave the gun accessible.
In almost any break in here the bed will be pulled off (matress gun),
and any concealed places drawers and stuff around the bed
are always fleeced for weapons. They are small (hand guns) and easily traded. Jewels and cash are better of course.
Guns are stolen almost every day here. The paper prints it.
It is a good business. They dont want your laptop, they dont
want your Monet. They want cash, jewelry and guns.
Believe it or not. Maybe Arkansas is very different.
Trade of stolen guns is big business. As it makes sense that
it should be for criminals. Just like other things that are illegal.
So we come back to square one with the business created
by making something desired illegal. The NRA has argued this