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Old 02-22-2009, 08:50 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by timmgirvan
So the logic is not to have handguns or weapons or anything of value at your home..or don't buy a new car because you'll be a target for the wanna-haves? That's crap....and the bast%rds have won the war! F that,bro!

May the Fart be with you!!

The logic is to have all things of value in jumbo size
so they wont be carried away easily. Gigantic handguns
jewlrey, and dollar bills.
Im talkin Pee Wee Herman big.

Of course thats not the logic. You read that in.
The obvious point is that if a common criminal
does enter your fortress:

Its cash, jewlery, guns. Is that difficult to understand?
Do you keep lots of paper bills to wad up and throw at criminals?
Oh I forgot credit cards can be flung to decapitate mice
that may infiltrate a domicile.
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