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Old 03-04-2009, 10:52 AM
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SuffolkGirl SuffolkGirl is offline
Hollywood Park
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Melrose, MA
Posts: 932
Default the link to financial stability

Am I frustrated? Yes, I lost my job this summer and am doing contract work with no benefits, no insurance and since I am in MA I MUST have insurance, so I get to buy monthly COBRA insurance at usury rates. However, that being said, this isn't a complete hand out. The interest rate is temporarily dropped to make the monthly payments affordable, principal reduction is optional, the interest rate will gradually be raised to market rate at the time of modification. Maybe this will help keep some people in their homes so that the neighborhoods don't fall apart. I'd rather have someone living next to me who has had a modification and paying 2% on their mortgage rather than have a house boarded up after the copper has been stripped out. This may also stop an entire new flood of 2/28 rate resets (the last of them should be coming in the next few months) from foreclosure and continuing the downward spiral. I sure hope the works out. And good luck to all of the servicers out there to wade through this.
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