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Old 03-12-2009, 01:37 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,549

some misconceptions here;

people like me ragging on Obama don't do so because we are so devasted about losing Bush. most of us could barely tolerate Bush. we rag on Obama because he is light years worse than Bush.

asking the Republicans now for ideas and solutions is disingenuous. the election is over, as Obama and Pelosi remind us "We Won". so the agenda is all their's. next year we'll see what kind of message Republicans bring. Frankly I think they won't need a message because people we be running for cover from the democratic spendathon mess we're in.

drugs, google Warren Buffett and read his recent comments about Obamanomics for starters. and he is(was) an Obama supporter. then move on to Jack Welch, and the list goes on from there. never has there been such a contemptuous attitude towards business from an adminstration. no surprise really, what would anyone expect from a community organizer anyway.
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