OP Just curios
I thoroughly enjoy reading this board. I dont post much, because I dont get the chance to follow the game to the extent that most of you on here do. But I do feel like I have learned a ton just reading what everybody has to say. Any way, I am a local oaklawn guy. I have been going to the races here with my grandfather since I was probably about 8 years old. I was hooked, and it wasnt the gambling (although I like that too). But after reading about all these other tracks, I was just curios what most of you guys thought of oaklawn. It may not be much to look at from the outside, but once you get inside you will find a bunch of racing fans. I have been coming for many years, but never saw the place more electric than it was the year smarty was here (2004). I'll never forget watching that race standing on a chair in the grandstand and giving play by play to an elderly woman who couldnt see because everyone in the place was standing. Anyway, I've rambled enough. What do those of you who have had the chance to see a racing day at oaklawn think of it compared to the many other tracks across this great land?
I love this sport,