Originally Posted by Rootdog1
Since there have been lots of comments regarding Jon I wanted to say something. I am sure I am in the minority here, but I applaud both Jon and Andy for taking a STRONG position on POTN in a public forum like ATR/etc. It is easy to sit faceless and nameless on a board and tout, but they both took a stance and both had reasonable assumptions to support it. They know that bozos like me are going to have smart a$$ comments after the race for one of them, and I appreciate their passion and courage. I am sure neither care what I think, but still felt compelled to say it. Finally, I am still not sure what to do with POTN but I am leaning towards Andy's view (and you all know I am a Cali homer).
Very informative, for all of us that didnt catch the show why dont you clue us in on their positions.