Thread: Jon v Andy
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Old 04-29-2009, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by robfla
agreed, but Jon's is a LITTLE over the top by predicting a TC winner.

Then again, it is a lot easier to tout against a horse than to tout pro-horse as 19 horses will lose the Derby.
In all honesty both should be commended; however let's be honest it's alot tougher position to be bullish about touting a winner than saying you are against one horse, regardless of the reasons. I think White is taking some over the top ribbing here. I respect a guy that is a public handicapper and is so vocal in his beliefs. The odds are against the guy and that makes it even more surprising he has put himself out there, but good on him for doing so. It's the one's that hedge that I have little time for.
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