Thread: Mr. President
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Old 09-07-2006, 01:11 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Stupid is thinking Bush could tell the truth if his life depended on it. I assume the interview cited in the following article is the one to which everyone is referring:

And I think you have Gore and Kerry confused on the SAT scores. But hey, no worries; Bush can't keep bin Laden and Hussein straight... FYI, here's the respective scores for Bush and Gore:

Bush: Verbal: 566, Math: 640 (out of 800)
Gore: Verbal: 625, Math: 730 (out of 800)

... and I beat them both in Verbal, and Bush in Math. What does that say? (absolutely nothing, really. Fat lot of good it's done me. )
interesting. Despite being so smart the heck did Gore manage to lose his home state? Only major party candidate for Prez ever to do that.
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