Thread: Dick Cheney
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Old 05-19-2009, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
I would think it would be the self-proclaimed "messiah" and his supporters that would use that kind of phrase.

What I said follows from logic: if you end a technique that was adding safety to the country (a supposition), then it must follow that the country is less safe after the practice is ended. That means that the risk for an attack will increase. If the attack, which may or may not happen, actually occurs, than in hindsight it MUST be true, that those who chose to end the practice are to blame for the added risk and increased certainty of the attack that occurred.

What was speculative before the attack is a certainty after, and the people will be very angry with the Democrats. This in spite of whatever euphoria people currently are experiencing with the Obama administration in the first 100+ days.

That's not biblical. That's an equation. If you want to break the argument, break the logic.
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