Thread: Dick Cheney
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Old 05-20-2009, 09:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
Thats kind of f'd up. I'm a conservative and that is the absolute last think I hope happens. I hope that 9/11 is the worst attack that ever happens on OUR soil for the rest of my life. And I guess I have the potential to live another 75 years though I doubt I last that long.
We all hope that it never happens. But we need to do better than hope. This administration's plans run counter to common sense in terms of the things that need to be done to safeguard the nation's security. Hope is not a plan -- Obama should learn that and fast.

And don't worry about the next 75 years. Unless you plan to go 75 years without any hospitalization or serious bouts, as the socialized medicine he is planning WILL lead to rationing, long waiting lists and a declining life expectancy. The government will see the older people as "cheaper when dead". That is where any cost savings will come from when the government controls all the spending, especially since government programs are never as efficient as private industry.

You likely do not have 75 years.
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