Originally Posted by somerfrost
The Constitution can be amended of course, but not merely at a whim...it takes a lengthy process, years and years for common sense and decency to hopefully prevail. The California court was gutless...hardly unexpected. Rather than run into Constitutional issues, they let 18000 marriages stand but deny the same equality to others. The right says they support equal rights, as long as they are separate....now where have we heard that before?
A local woman wrote a letter to the Chambersburg newspaper in which, intermingled with a lot of psuedo-Christian references, she made the statement that "gays" had no right to the word "marriage" as "everyone" knows that "marriage" is a Christian word....do you laugh or cry?
i know there are steps in place, and it should take years. Interesting, and sad, that the equal rights amendment can't bet ratified, but cali found it so easy to amen their state constitution. glad i don't live there.
as for christian words...i guess stoning is one as well...at any rate, i wonder what the original christian would have to say to his 'followers' about this?