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Old 05-31-2009, 06:33 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
Del Mar
Join Date: Jun 2006
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Originally Posted by brianwspencer
But do you have anything outside of a comment, taken out of its proper context, that makes you think she's a racist, or are you just taking the wingnut bait?

Give me a decision. A comment in a decision. Anything from a decision anywhere -- and she has PLENTY of them -- that even comes close to making it seem like this comment actually plays out in her judicial philosophy in the activist way the wingnuts want you to think it will.

Methinks you will find nothing...which is why the scare quote is all anyone's got, because you better believe that if there was even anything CLOSE in one of her decisions, they'd be using that instead of this pathetic attempt at playing the racist/fear of the brown lady card. Since they don't have anything, they go back to their usual -- pulling things totally out of context to scare people...and you're falling for it.

Speaking of meat -- give me something meaty if you're going to go along with those opposing her. Out of context scare quote doesn't cut it...look how well that worked out in the last election.
Brian, How is the quote taken out of context? Does the quote have different meaning if you read her whole speech? I don't think so. If a white, Republican male made the same comments, would you be saying that it's a non-issue and simply scare tactics?

I think you are totally wrong in your assessment of this whole thing. As I said earlier, there are plenty of people that are fairly liberal such as Scuds who are troubled by the comments. I think it's insulting for you to say that anyone who disagrees with you on the issue must simply be falling for scare tactics. I think it's totally the opposite. Her comments are not taken out of context. I think people totally understand her comments and are offended by them. Did you consider the possibility that you may be biased on the subject and that you would find the comments offensive if she was a white, republican male?

I do think you are correct that her judicial record is more impotant than some quotes she has made. But I think her quotes are certainly something that people will and should consider just as they would if she was a white, republican male.

Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 05-31-2009 at 06:43 PM.
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