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Old 06-01-2009, 07:58 AM
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brianwspencer brianwspencer is offline
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER
Trying to prop her up shows you're not out for equality or fairness (as you correctly do in the gay marriage issue) in judges, because your willing to overlook the same type of sexist-racist remarks that I'm sure you would find inappropriate for many others to express.....


If you objectively look at this, she shows signs of having bias against white males, and that really should make her unacceptable.
I am objectively looking at it, and I don't see it as any kind of bias whatsoever. I believe that people's unique set of perspectives should be acknowledged....and judge Sotomayor apparently seems to as well.

I'm far more concerned with her case history, and her upholding the NH firefighter case is hardly some smoking gun of a "blame whitey" mentality that you want to make this out to be. There's nothing objectionable in her case history, and that's the point I keep trying to make.

If this quote ACTUALLY means what you keep saying it come she's done a 100% great job of hiding it through countless decisions...throughout her entire life, for that matter?

She must be really stupid then, to be hiding it all this time and then in a moment of weakness in a prepared speech, just freely admit it. Please. The point here is that it you can say all day long that she's some secret whitey-hating racist sexist manhater, but the fact remains that it's clear she's not and her case history proves that a billion times over. And that's what a judge is supposed to be, right....a judge? So until there's a real problem with her history of being a judge, this is all way blown out of proportion.

And like HIG said earlier...this is all politics. Since there's nothing in her case history to complain about, this is the outrage du jour. It'll be forgotten in short order and she'll be a fine justice on the Supreme Court. Good will win out over selective outrage every day of the week....sometimes it just takes awhile for people to calm down and regain their bearings. I'm confident that this will all turn out the way it should, and that's why it's all so entertaining to me for the time being.
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