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Old 06-01-2009, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
But there was a little more of a solid paper trail that could be attacked than one quote that has been analyzed to death..

Let's talk about Clarence Thomas....forget about pubic hairs and sexual's just the "office"..this man NEVER did sh*t in his life other than be a conservative black man who, ironically, got where he was because of Democratic policies. He by far is the dumbest judge...even traffic court..that I have ever seen. At least Scalia can justify his personal beliefs and judgements by citing the constitution like Oral Roberts does the Bible. That's what makes him brilliant...otherwise he's just Ann Coulter with a beer belly.
Oddly enough it is fairly evident that Scalia
really does not respect Thomas, even though
these two have probably voted the same way
more times than any two judges currently on the

wish I knew how to look that up.
Stevens and Ginsberg are probably close also.
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