Thread: Who thinks...
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Old 09-10-2006, 02:51 PM
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kentuckyrosesinmay kentuckyrosesinmay is offline
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Sorry Kiddo: didn't mean to bark at you. SDS(Student for a Democratic Society) was '60's leftist group supported by the communist party. What rights of Americans are being abbrogated now,really? Nobody wants their rights denied in America. What, other than the Iraq question, has you bothered?
I don't classify myself as being in any group. I make decisions based on the individual circumstances.

There are two Americans there. There families did not know where they were for three years. They had no right to a trial or a lawyer. I see something wrong with this...(i.e. U.S. Constitution). If you read the articles, a lot of "detainees" are released and are not charged. That means that the government could come into our homes, and take any one of us away when they please.

That is for starters. There are lots more reasons.
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