Originally Posted by hi_im_god
because nancy pelosi has enough common sense to understand she can't be a spokesperson for the party given her current high negatives and is staying away from the press.
meanwhile dick cheney has his own suite in the fox green room. what's "the media" supposed to do when he's jumping up and down waiving his arms for attention every week?
you can't have it both ways dell. if they don't cover his nonsense, they're accused of "ignoring the REAL story."
I saw an interview on Fox News on Sunday with Cheney and his daughter, Liz. It was very good, he was very respectful to the current POTUS and brought up what he agree's with and what he doesnt agree with. He also stated that he supports same sex marriage.
He stayed very hidden his 8 years as VP, which makes sense because he had a real job to do & it wasnt neccessary to be in front of the camera's 24/7.
People want to make stuff up about him because they dont know much about him.. and bring up ridiculous claims about halliburton and the iraq war. There is no way on earth cheney started a war to make himself money. Thats just plain ignorant.
He's a VERY intelligent man who loves his country. People can say about him what they want, but I dont mind him as the "speaker" of the Republican party.. He is a MUCH better alternative than Limbaugh and Coulter and those losers being the voice of the party.